In english… (7106)

Journalists in the green

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Journalists in the green is an annual journalist award for boys and girls from 5 to 21 years old (until the day before the 21st birthday) promoted by the Association “Il Refuso”. The contest awards articles, reports, and other forms of communication that talk about and promote environmental protection.

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The theme of the 6th edition is: “Green Signals”

Food, ideas, Arts, Fashion trends, Technologies, Materials,… the latest environmental-friendly discoveries that only few know and that could change to the better our future.


Last news (ideas)

Last news (food)

Last news (tech)

Last news (materials)

Last news (art)

Last news…the latest environmental discovery

Last news…the latest gimmick in the green world

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Who can participate

The contest is open to anyone aged between 5 and 21 (until the day before turning 21), Italian and foreign. Participating can be done individually or in group, or per class.

Participants can join the national section (in Italian language) or the international section (in English, French or Spanish language).

Each work has to be accompanied by full information and contact details of the author(s) as well as the authorization on behalf of the person exercising parental authority to participate to the contest, release for use, publishing, free assignment of the rights on the work as well as release for use of audio recording, video and photo of the authors and processing of personal data under the act 196/03 for all the participants.

Participation is possible prior registering for membership no later than January15th 2012 by payment of a small registration fee for expenses of 10€ per participant (20€ for groups up to 5 people, 40€ for classes or groups above 5). Registration and payment can be done directly on the website by compiling the dedicated form and through paypal payment, or by fax by sending all the data requested on the enrollment form (which can be downloaded from the website in pdf ) and attaching the payment receipt (either postal account in the name of “Il Refuso”# 000098181225 or bank transfer payable to “Il Refuso” IBAN#IT07N0103039140000000070324 specifying “pre-registration to journalists in the green 5”). In these last two cases the registration number will be sent by e-mail to the provided address.

Shipping and transfer costs to attend the award ceremony are to be paid by the participants.


How to participate: 3 AGE RANGES, each with their SECTIONS

1st Age range: from 5 to 10 years old (from the last year of pre-school to all primary school)

A – Journalistic writing (articles, interviews, reports, investigations)

B – Multimedia journalism (video or audio interviews, investigations, reports, foto reports)

C –  Newspapers and TV news

D – Creative section: visual and multimedia arts (paintings, drawings, cartoons, videos, etc…NO POEMS)

2nd Age range: from 10 to 15 years old (from 1st year of middle school to 2nd year of high school)

A – Journalistic writing (articles, interviews, reports, investigations)

B – Multimedia journalism (video or audio interviews, investigations, reports, foto reports)

C –  Newspapers and TV news

D – Creative section: visual and multimedia arts (paintings, drawings, cartoons, videos, etc…NO POEMS)

3rd Age range: from 15 to 21 years old (from 2nd year of high school to the day before age 21)

A – Journalistic writing (articles, interviews, reports, investigations)

B – Multimedia journalism (video or audio interviews, investigations, reports, foto reports)

C –  Newspapers and TV news

D – Creative section: visual and multimedia arts (paintings, drawings, cartoons, videos, etc…NO POEMS)

E – Web section:  creation of a website related to the competition and to environmental journalism. A summary of contents (even partial) is required to be provided in English language.

IMPORTANT:  Participants MUST indicate on the application form to which section they intend to apply to. Each participant can present only one work if competing individually. Those who participate in a group or a class can present an individual work as well as the one presented as a group/class.

Allowed formats:

–          Articles, interviews, reports, investigations, etc… have to be in Word or similar as long  as saved as .doc, .docx, .rtf

–          Videos must be no longer than 10 mn. It is advised the participant upload the video on youtube and sends the link and the password to the office in charge of the contest.

–          Photos have to be in .jpg format.

–          Audio works must be no longer than 10 mn and in mp3 format.

–          For the web section, the link must be sent via e-mail.

IMPORTANT: Power Point (.ppt) and publisher formats are not allowed, however you can transform and send your document in pdf format. You are not allowed to use anything protected by copyright (songs, musics, etc…)

All works have to be sent in digital form.

Remember it is a journalist award. The works from the first three sections must contain information (news, scoop, unpublished information of common interest). The journalistic style will be evaluated as well as the capacity of synthesis, the clear language used to communicate.



Each work has to be accompanied by full information and contact details of the author(s) as well as the authorization on behalf of the person exercising parental authority to participate to the contest, release for use, publishing, free assignment of the rights on the work as well as release for use of audio recording, video and photo of the authors and processing of personal data under the act 196/03 for all the participants. This must all be inserted in the application form that each participant (in case of groups or classes please use one form for each member) has to fill out and that can be downloaded from the website . Works have to be sent no later than February 15th 2012 (in case of mail delivery the postal stamp will be the reference date) to:

IL REFUSO – Via dei Mattei 11/b – 00030 Colonna (Roma)

06.94340043 – 06.9438665

Works can be sent by registered mail, e-mail (requesting confirmation of reception), or hand delivered, within the deadline date of February 15th 2012. IT IS COMPULSORY TO INDICATE THE PRE-REGISTRATION NUMBER and have fully completed the section dedicated to the authorizations, without which the work will not be admitted to the contest. Each participant must fill out the application form (different than the pre-enrolment form, both can be downloaded from the website) and send it together with the work and the pre-registration number, without all the above the work will not be admitted to the contest.

It is specified that:

Classes, enrolled as classes, have to send the application forms of ALL the members of the group before February 15th TOGETHER with the work and the pre-enrolment number. Every work has one enrolment number therefore the 25€ fee allows to present only one work. Each class can participate at a maximum of two different sections. The class or group that wants to send in more works has to pay the relevant fees and obtain new enrolment numbers.

It is not allowed to participate “in the name of the class”, that is, sending the data of one participant or small group as representative of a larger group.  In this case it will be only the single participant or group to participate.

In order to be contacted by the office organizing the award, participants have to provide their personal contact details. In case of groups of 5+ members fill out the group pre-enrolment form then add an extra page to add the extra people in the group. The application forms have to be filled in individually.



There is one prize per section



The Jury is elected every year by the director committee of “Il Refuso”. Honorary permanent members are:

Paolo Fallai (journalist at “Il Corriere della Sera”, writer)

Tullio Berlenghi (environmentalist, writer)

Gaetano Savatteri (journalist at Tg5, writer)

Director of ANSA Agency (last year media partner)

Paola Bolaffio (journalist and director of “Il Catone”)

The other members of the Jury are selected amongst journalists, professional figures of Media, Environmental protection, Research. The Jury is made of a Jury Committee, a Board of Trustees, a Scientific committee. (go on the website to view the names of this year’s Jury).

The Jury operates independently and the jury’s evaluation is final.


Works and Rights

The material and works sent in will not be returned. They will remain in the archive of “Il Refuso” who disclaims any responsibility in case of loss, theft, fire,  plagiarism or other cause. They may be inserted in the database created with the first edition of the contest, at disposal of entities and associations that will request their use for education purposes. The participation to the contest  implies that each participant grants free rights to “Il Refuso”  on the work(s) presented.


Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony, during which the winners will be proclaimed, will be held  in the second half of May 2012. Exact date will be posted on the website.

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Accepting the Terms and Conditions

Participating to the contest implies the complete acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and exempts the organizers of all civil and criminal liability to third parties.

Colonna, September 2011

Application form

Registration form for Classes

Registration form for groups

Registration form for individuals

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