La Biodiversité(5448)

mercoledì, marzo 16th, 2011 (5448)

Sezione Internazionale Sur terre, tout est d’une grande importance…

Volantini illustrati su Biodiversità e rispetto del pianeta realizzati da Alexandra Hoffait, 17 anni, Annabelle Hoffait, 15 anni, Andréas Sposato, 13 anni,  Mathiah Lovish, 14 anni, Antonino De Bilio, 13 anni, di Bruxelles.


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What is biodiversity?(5847)

martedì, marzo 15th, 2011 (5847)

International Session – Video realizzato dai ragazzi della 3G del Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei di Bitonto (BA) in collaborazione con i “colleghi” del Rinmangymnasiet diEskilstuna (Sweden)

cod. conc. 2302075016

Diritti riservati a Giornalisti Nell’Erba© – Vietate riproduzioni e/o modifiche senza l’autorizzazione di

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The Planet that gives us life(5066)

venerdì, febbraio 25th, 2011 (5066)

International Session – Video by Eric Barbizzi, 7 years old (Ascoli Piceno – Italy)

cod. conc. 1011211659

Diritti riservati a Giornalisti Nell’Erba© – Vietate riproduzioni e/o modifiche senza l’autorizzazione di

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venerdì, febbraio 25th, 2011 (5026)

International Session – Article by Camilla Rostagno, 18 anni di Garessio (CN)

«Human causes responsible», says the expert. Most of us know that, out of the total amount of water present on the Earth’s surface, only 3% of it is freshwater, but this doesn’t mean, then, that it’s completely, in practice, available. As a matter of fact, most of it is confined in ice caps or glaciers. Out of this extremely small-sized amount, the majority is used by industries or by the irrigation channels for the fields. Let’s add, now, a good dose of wastebecause “turning off the water while brushing teeth is not a big savings” or “Let the tap run! It’s not a big deal, it’s just a little bit”. Everybody is perfectly able to feel disappointed and sorry for the children in Africa, who do not even know what drinking water is, because it seems a distant reality and there’snothing we can do about it. What is going to happen, however, when we will cry because our children are in the same situation? Global warming, the ozone hole and fertilizers are certainly some causes of the reduction of water resources, but not the only ones. This is a real problem that we are underestimating, and one day, soon, we will find ourselves incredulous, opening the tap with no luck, wondering where did our water go and why. (altro…)

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Italmatch Chemicals(4957)

giovedì, febbraio 24th, 2011 (4957)

International session – video made by III B and C – Liceo Scientifico “Alessandro Volta” di Spoleto, teacher Giulia Fontecchio. Part 1 and 2; interviste ai professionisti, dott. Segoni – Responsabile ARPA Spoleto (Tema: Controllo dell’aria) – dott. Proietti – ARPA TERNI (Tema: Direttiva Seveso, Direttiva Umbra) – e dott.ssa Fabiani – Resp. Protezione civile Spoleto (Tema: Piano di emergenza)

codice conc. 1811194827


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