QUI IL BANDO E IL REGOLAMENTO DI GNE7 – Journalist in the grass, VII contest (8913)

Cliccare qui sotto per scaricare il bando e regolamento della settima edizione di Giornalisti Nell’Erba

bando e regolamento gNe7

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Starting signal for the seventh edition of Journalists in the grass, environmental journalism contest for children, youth, individuals / groups / classes /, from 5 to 29 years, organized by the social promotion association Il Refuso  in partnership with National Order of Journalists, National Press Federation, European Commission Representation in Italy, ANSA News Agency, European Space Agency (ESA-ESRIN) etc..
The theme:
+ be-have, frugal abundance, such as development and progress, the search for the … In short:
MENOPERMENOFAPIU ‘ (less x less = more)
The urgent need to choose a development that takes into account the limited resources. In search of the essential. Examples, testimonials, facts.
Participants will develop a sub-theme to choose from
The Economy of the Peasant
The Economics of Sailor
The Economy astronaut
The three “economies” refers to, but are not limited to, the management of resources in the ground, water and air. Means should be taken as indications, suggestions, and ideas for dealing with the general theme of essentiality of “menopermenofapiù” which can be reached starting from any kind of evidence, fact, example, culture, etc.

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